Monday, October 29, 2012

[4D News] (English translation to be posted soon) New post from KeyEast Official FB account: 김현중, 12월 발매 日 정규앨범 ‘Unlimited’ 재킷 공개!

김현중이 일본 첫 정규앨범의 메인 재킷 이미지를 공개해 눈길을 끌고있다.

오는 12월 12일 발매될 첫 번째 정규앨범 ‘언리미티드(Unlimited)’로 ‘히트(HEAT)’에 이어 다시 한번 열도 공략에 나서는 김현중이 22일 오전 재킷 이미지 일부를 공개해 팬들의 기대감을 고조시키고 있다.

공개된 이미지 속 김현중은 기타를 들고, 시크한 눈빛으로 강렬 카리스마를 발산하며 한층 성숙해진 비주얼을 뽐내고 있다. 특히, 화려한 타투로 자유분방하면서도 터프한 매력을 물씬 풍기고 있어 새 앨범에 대한 궁금증을 더욱 자아낸다.

김현중은 12월 일본에서 발매되는 ‘언리미티드’에서 지난 여름 일본 가요계를 강타했던 ‘히트’의 락밴드 컨셉에서 한 단계 업그레이드 된 음악을 다룰 예정이다. ‘유어 스토리(Your Story)’, ‘세이브 투데이(Save Today)’, ‘아임 유어스(I’m Yours)’ 등의 신곡과 히트곡 등 총 14곡이 수록된다.

이번 정규앨범의 타이틀곡으로 결정된 ‘유어 스토리(Your Story)’는 모던락 밴드 ‘데이브레이크’의 베이시스트 김선일이 연주와 편곡을 모두 진행해 더욱 풍성한 사운드를 자랑함은 물론, 김현중의 감미로운 음색까지 더해져 또 한번 뜨거운 반응을 이끌어 낼 것으로 예상된다. 또한 신곡 ‘세이브 투데이(Save Today)’는 이례적으로 ‘피아’, ‘다운헬’, ‘데이브레이크’ 등 국내 인기 락밴드 3팀이 곡 작업에 공동 참여해 화제가 되고 있으며, 최고 퀄리티의 음악이 탄생될 것으로 기대를 모은다.

김현중은 지난 7월 발매 된 김현중의 일본 두 번째 싱글 앨범 ‘히트’는 오리콘 일간 차트와 주간차트 모두 1위를 석권한 데 이어 앨범 발매 두 달 만에 20만장 이상의 판매고를 달성, 일본 오리콘 연간 싱글 랭킹 중간 순위에서도 케이팝 가수로서 최상위권을 차지하는 등 놀라운 성과를 거둬들인 바 있다.

현지 음반 관계자는 “김현중은 올해 발표한 두 장의 싱글 앨범 모두 오리콘 차트 석권뿐 아니라 각종 온라인차트에서 롱런하며 케이팝 선두 주자다운 놀라운 성과를 거뒀다” 라고 전했다. 이어 “일본에서 활발히 활동 중인 케이팝 가수들뿐 아니라 일본의 인기 가수들에게도 김현중은 이미 위협적인 존재” 라면서 “김현중의 정규 앨범 발매 확정 소식에 업계 관계자들 역시 주목하고 있다”면서 기대감을 내비쳤다.

김현중은 신나는 리듬의 댄스와 감미로운 발라드에 이어 정통 밴드 음악까지 매 앨범 마다 수준 높은 음악과 화려한 퍼포먼스로 한국과 일본을 비롯 전 세계 팬들로부터 뜨거운 사랑을 받아왔다. 음악성과 대중성으로 중무장한 김현중이 오는 12월 12일 발매 예정인 일본 첫 번째 정규앨범 ‘언리미티드(Unlimited)’로 대중들의 눈과 귀를 모두 사로잡으며 다시 한 번 일본 가요계를 뒤흔들 것으로 기대를 모은다.

한편, 김현중은 현재 2013년 상반기 KBS에서 방송 예정인 드라마 ‘도시정벌’ 촬영과 앨범 작업을 병행하며 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다.

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[4D Pics] Kim Hyun Joong- Happy Camp Recording by MurdererQ

Credit to: MurdererQ
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[4D News] Kim Hyun Joong ‘Happy Camp’ recording ticket sold up to 3500, fans find it hard to meet the idol

via Hunan TV
trans :

28th October, popular Korean idol came to ChangSha to record for “Happy Camp”. Aside from his fans welcoming screams and passion, originally free-of-charge entry tickets were sold at high prices in black market, this also proves the high popularity of this flower boy. The high price of 3500 yuan per ticket scared off many fans. However, even after the recording has started for sometime, there were still fans waiting outside recording studio, hoping to catch a glimpse of their idol when recording ends. 
As the most popular variety show in Mainland China, “Happy Camp” tickets for every season is hard to get, not to mention when it comes to guest star Kim Hyun Joong. Before him, Lee Min Ho and Jang Geun Suk have already made a high record for ticket price. This time, when the news of Kim HYun Joong to record for Happy Camp was released, the supposedly free-of-charge was first sold at 1300yuan, and raised to 3500 yuan before the recording.
When the recording drew nearer, more and more fans started complaining about “tickets are hard to get”. Reporters at the scene saw many illegal tickets sellers hanging around the TV station from noon onwards, selling tickets to passers by. Right before the recording, reporters heard that the tickets have raised to 3500 yuan, and ticket sellers are willing to buy in tickets at 2500yuan. Ticket sellers also complained at the high buy-in prices.
Staying with idol at the same hotel
Fans from all places, started to pour into Changsha since midnight, fans have been chasing their idol ever since. As the hotel Kim Hyun Joong is staying at is very near to TV Station, many fans have been waiting outside since morning, watching their idol’s every movement. “oppa is out for rehearsal!” , “hotel staff brought in lunch for oppa!” and fans who were watching live recording also updated weibo with their idol’ performance.
Kim HYun JOong not only attracted fans from Changsha and China alone, but there were also may fans from other countries. They do not wis to miss any chance to be with their idol and many also choose to stay at the same hotel as him, so they have a chance to meet their idol. Of course, rooms near Kim HYun Joong’s villa has become the hot choice. Many hotel staffs also expressed that, besides from hotel events on other days, this place is seldomly so lively.

Causing screams even if he is just standing there doing nothing.
“Hello everyone, i’m Kim HYun JOong, i miss everyone.” Using Chinese to greet the fans, seems to become every korean star’s introduction. In the midst of screaming, Kim Hyun Joong finally made his appearance. Due to language barrier, kim hyun joong’s recording focused mainly on games, the whole recording runs little on words. But even so, fans in the audience are very satisfied, even the very familiar videos that they have watched many times online, was able to cause their high decibel screams.
In front of Kim Hyun JOong, Happy Camp casts can only come second. During game session, his every little achievement is able to make fans to get excited for a long time. Show staffs told the reporters that, under strict control, today’s recording studio do not have the usual problems of ‘exploding in number’ and ‘additional chairs’. Reporters also noticed that when Kim hyun Joong was on stage recording, there were around 5 staffs busily involved, a near 1.9m body guard was also standing beside the stage, always ready to go. During mid-session break, Kim hyun Joong went to the restroom, causing many fans to follow along, security guards have no choice but to sprung into action immediately to keep order, was able to see his high popularity.

[4D News] Kim Hyun Joong gave his favourite set of outfits to HaiTao as birthday present

via HunanTV
trans :

28th October, Happy Camp welcome popular idol Kim Hyun JOong, the audience seats are filled by female fans from all over the world. But, the most lucky one must be Haitao tonight! Today happens to be Haitao’s 25th Birthday, Happy Camp cast gave him a surprise. (hj not related part is omitted)
After Kim Hyun Joong came on to the stage, he gave HaiTao a big present. Actually, after he arrived in ChangSha, then he knew that its Haitao’s birthday, thus he prepared the present last minute and gave his favourite set of outfit to Haitao, making female fans off the stage to become very jealous of Haitao. During te game session, HeJiong lost and was punished to send a weibo to Haitao, saying “Let’s get together”, in a short 2 minutes time, causing thousands of repost and comments.

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[4D Photos] Kim Hyun Joong- Happy Camp by Hunan Tv

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As posted in Henecia Philippines (facebook)